
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Embedding Apache Directory Server

Apache directory server is an embeddable LDAP server written in Java. It is now embedded in Jetspeed-2 which fully supports LDAP for authentication and partially for authorization. The Jetspeed-2 security SPI has been implemented to support LDAP. Embedding Apache directory server has been overall quite a pleasant experience.
The first step consisted in integrating Apache DS with Jetspeed-2 Maven Plugin:
<goal name="j2:_start.ldap">
<java classname="org.apache.ldap.server.ServerMain" fork="yes">
<arg value="${org.apache.jetspeed.plugin.ldap.conf}"/>
The above code invokes Apache DS ServerMain startup class with the server.xml configuration file parametrized through ${org.apache.jetspeed.plugin.ldap.conf}. As illustrated above, Apache DS is also started with the Jetspeed schema extensions. The pathelement element references jetspeed-security-schema which holds the Jetspeed specific schema extensions. The schema extensions java code is generated using the Apache DS Maven Plugin directory:schema goal. The classes are then compiled and archived as a referencable artifact for the LDAP server. Once the server is started, it is now time to bind to the LDAP server. Jetspeed-2 uses the Sun JDK LdapCtxFactory for its default binding configuration.

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